
Successfully combining sustainability and economics

Why sustainability should matter to you

Embedding sustainability in companies and the procurement department is an absolute must-have – not just to comply with the approaching German Supply Chain Act. Consumers, customers, and employees choose products, suppliers, and employers based on their proven sustainable mindset and actions. Hence, the future economic success and competitive edge of a company depends on their seriousness of establishing and implementing sustainability in every aspect.

Your contribution to your companies’ competitive capacities

Because of the various interfaces to internal and external stakeholders and as the manager of external value creation, procurement plays a central role when it comes to ingraining sustainability in one’s company and along supply chains.


Procurement managers decide how, where, and what things are bought. This bestows them with the responsibility whether or not sustainable products flow into the company and out toward customers in sustainable ways. Procurement departments also determine to what extent products with high material intensity, above-average carbon footprints or with connections to human rights violations get purchased. With this lever, procurement departments can affect not only internal economic operations and activities but also positively impact entire supply chains while generating benefits to climate, environment, and society.


2/3 of the social and ecological footprint of a company lies in their supply chain. A transparent, active, and cooperative supplier management is, therefore, of extreme importance.

Nachhaltigkeit GMVK - Thomas und Ulrich
"Sustainability in supplier management is no longer nice-to-have – it is necessary to be competitive in today’s markets."

Actively manage your challenges

A major challenge for procurement departments lies in the transparency of sustainability-relevant factors across entire supply chains in order to assess current and potential suppliers. This necessary transparency is often missing, as it is difficult and time-intensive to generate.

The solution lies in the systemic and systematic combination of environmental and economic viability – which means to embed environmental and social criteria in procurement departments without letting economic success and cost savings get out of sight. Essential for this is the identification of proper KPIs, steps, and partners for the integration of external sustainability data into procurement decisions.
Ulrich Rehrmann - Unternehmensberatung GMVK
"No transparency – no strategic supplier management."

Use GMVK to increase your procurement success

We support you effectively as part-time employees because we combine our procurement-know-how of GMVK Procurement Group with Business Intelligence solutions by our subsidiary 4EBIT Software & Services to maximize your benefit.


Regarding sustainable procurement, we understand ourselves as an integration and consulting specialist, providing a BI platform that produces a single “source of truth” which connects all the necessary data and information, enabling the procurement department to successfully combine sustainability and economics. The basis for this is an effective and efficient supplier management.


We deliver in joint projects with our customers:


Unternehmungsberatung und Einkaufsoptimierung
"Our All-in-One platform with all information accessible through a single tool provides the basis for the management of your sustainability agenda."

Wollen Sie in weniger als 10 Minuten wissen, wo Sie heute schon in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit stehen? Dann nutzen Sie unseren kostenlosen Nachhaltigkeits-QuickCheck für ein erstes Self-Assessment! Hier Einbau des Nachhaltigkeits-Checks Kurzversion

Hier Einbau des Nachhaltigkeits-Checks Kurzversion

Thomas Mademann - Unternehmensberatung Einkauf
"Procurement is a driver of the green economy because 80% of a company’s carbon footprint stems from the supply chain."

GMVK Procurement Group and 4EBIT have integrated sustainability deeply within their internal policies and processes, while also acting as an external sustainability ambassador. We support SustainablyRun Meetings, planting trees for every online meeting. Other engagements include Business-for-Nature! AfB Social and Green IT, Ecosia, and more!

Your contact persons at GMVK

Felix Dalstein - Nachhaltigkeit und Unternehmensberatung der GMVK

Felix Dalstein


Mobile: +49 (172) 741958 9

Thomas Mademann - Einkaufsberatung bei der GMVK

Thomas Mademann

Managing Partner since 2011

Mobile: +49 (173) 131818 8