Optimize your process and unit costs for B- and C- materials as well as indirects and services.
Create transparency in your procurement with tenderable digital master data
Unlock your full value-added potential through tailored supplier and service providers
Successfully manage your supply chain from a risk and sustainability perspective.
Profit from the combination of procurement-know-know and Business Intelligence solutions in order to increase your companies’ EBIT
We offer holistic support through the combination of systematic knowledge-based procurement optimization and BI competence– sustainably and economically.
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GMVK Procurement GmbH
Huyssenallee 68
45128 Essen
Telefon: +49 (201) 219695 0
Fax: +49 (201) 219695 99
E-Mail: info@gmvk.de
2022 | Copyright © GMVK Procurement Group